The prevalence of non-specific low back pain over a lifetime in industrialized nations is estimated to be between 60-70% and increases and peaks between the ages of 35-55.
In 2005 $86 billion dollars were spent on health care costs for low back pain in the US.
What is LBP & Sciatica?
LBP and sciatica, which is the radiation of pain down the leg. Low back pain can be sharp and stabbing or a low grade ache. Sciatica can consist of burning pain, tingling, or cramping of muscles in the leg.
Low back pain (LBP) can be exceedingly debilitating as it can affect virtually all of our activities of daily living including:
- Getting out of bed
- Walking
- Standing up from a chair
- Getting dressed
- Driving
- Working
- And many other tasks.
What Causes LBP & Sciatica?
LBP and sciatica can be caused by a variety of conditions including:
- Arthritis
- Muscle weakness
- Decreased flexibility
- Herniated discs
- Degenerative disc disease
- And many other causes.
How the Spine Functions
The spine functions through a complex relationship between muscles, ligaments, facet joints, and discs. Once injured or strained you may develop significant muscle spasm, weakness or decreased coordination in the timing of how your postural muscles activate.
Physical Therapy Can Help
This is where physical therapists become the ideal provider to address your back pain. A physical therapist is a movement expert who has extensive education in anatomy and how your musculoskeletal system moves and functions.
Assess the Spine
The role of the physical therapist is to assess your:
- Joint mobility
- Strength
- Range of motion
- Coordination of the muscles that support your spine.
Then determine what the best course of treatment would be for you to avoid surgery and the need for pain medications.
Lower Opioid Use
It has been reported that when low back pain patients see a physical therapist first, there was lower cost in medical services, as well as lower opioid use.
Improve Debility
Additionally, it has been shown that early physical therapy with recent onset LBP resulted in improvement in disability.
MRI Not Needed
Recently, in the Journal of Internal Medicine, it was reported the MRI of the low back was not needed during the first 6 weeks of acute, uncomplicated low back pain and can lead to unnecessary procedures and surgery.
Schedule A Back Pain Assessment Today
During this assessment our physical therapist will determine if you have strength imbalances, tissue tightness, or abnormal joint mechanics and develop an individualized plan to correct these issues regardless of the condition causing your back pain.
Our physical therapists at Rising Tide Physical Therapy can help lift you up out of your pain and debility to get you back to life without pain medication or the need for surgery. Contact one of our Rising Tide Physical Therapy locations today to schedule an assessment.